Week 5's Homework
Practice using the Lord's Prayer outline found in Luke 11:1-4 as you pray. When we use the 12 steps, our prayer time will be longer than an hour! This is a general prayer that provides us with a time of fellowship with the Lord! Share your experience in the chat next week!
12 Steps to Prayer
- Be Silent (Matthew 6:6)
- Give Worship (Luke 11:2; Psalms 95:1-7)
- Make Confession (1 John 1:9)
- Give Thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Hebrews 13:15)
- Make Supplication (Philippians 4:6)
- Specify Petition/Request (1 John 5:14-15)
- Secure your Promises (2 Corinthians 1:20)
- Plead the Case (Numbers 23:19)
- Believe (Mark 11:22-24; James 1:5-7)
- Give Thanks! (Hebrews 1:14)
- Live in Expectations (Ephesians 3:20)
- Practice Active Belief (Luke 11:9)

Sunday, March 5, 2023
Glory Hallelujah!<br /><br />In the book of Luke, the eleventh chapter, our Lord Jesus Christ teaches us a powerful prayer to model. As I modeled throughout the week, the Spirit of God had my spiritual focus on two portions of the prayer continually. First, Jesus prayed in a certain place. What does that mean for me? Jesus being in a particular place teaches me the importance of the environment, both naturally and spiritually. In particular, where I am praying, and next, the territory I am praying over in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Second, the disciple wanted Jesus to teach him once he saw Jesus doing it. We are to do; then I believe others will model what we do - teaching them a modeled prayer glory to God. This portion is vital to the desire to host a Prayer Fair, so God revealing this to me in the first verse was so inspiring that my spiritual focus for this week solely rested here - giving God the glory for the illumination.<br />